Saturday, August 26, 2006


“I just don’t get this math!”

“They give us way too much home work!”

“I’m tired of school!”

“I wish I were as smart as John.”

Do any these sound familiar? Or maybe you’ve noticed a lack of interest in school or extra frustration over homework. They could be possible warning signs that your child is needing some extra help with school?

If you notice any signs, it is time to take Action.

Better to be proactive than reactive. Many parents overlook subtle clues and are a bit surprised at report card time. The following are some things that might mean you should consider tutoring for your child.

Bad Study Habits / Disorganized
Study habits and organization skills can play a large part in how well children do in school, but they also plays a large part in their effectiveness all throughout their life. A tutor who is familiar with helping children to learn good study habits / organizational skills as well as goal setting could help your child a great deal. Not all tutors offer this so make sure you check.

Does Not Complete Homework
This is sometimes a real good indication your child is struggling with a particular subject. If so, the right tutor should be able to help him get over those tough spots. But if he understands the material and is just not doing the homework consistently, that needs to be addressed.

Struggling With Specific Subjects
A good tutor that specializes in the area that your child is struggling in will could be what your child needs to get on the right track. An experienced tutor can help in getting them up to speed on new topics.

Lack Of Motivation
A lack of motivation could possibly mean your child has run into difficulties with school. Communication is definitely key here. Having an open line of communication with your child will help you to get to the bottom of whatever changes in behavior you observe.

Working Hard But Grades Don’t Show It
You probably want to consider getting a tutor in this case. Apparently you have instilled a good work ethic in your child. And frustration will probably occur if the grades are not very good. An experienced tutor could pinpoint some weaknesses she may have in certain areas as well as assist in completing homework assignments. This should have a positive affect on her self-esteem as well.

Getting In Trouble At School
A call from the teacher or principal’s office I’m sure does not give you a warm fuzzy feeling all over. Little Johnny may have too much time on his hands at school. Sometimes this is an indication he is having some difficulty with school work. A way to cope with this for some children is to act out in the classroom.

Performs Decent On Homework, But Poorly On Tests
Some children as well as adults don’t perform as well under the pressure of tests. Even though they may have a grasp of the material, for whatever reason, they may have developed some test anxiety. Some tutors are experienced at coaching your child with test-taking techniques.

Maybe your child is getting very good grades. And maybe it is not requiring all of his waking hours studying. Well, it might be a good idea for you to think about subject specific tutors who can give your child some advanced studies. Maybe she has an interest in becoming an engineer. A knowledgeable tutor will be able to prepare her for math she will need say the following year. Or maybe even begin to prepare her for standardized tests she will be required to take.
