Friday, September 29, 2006

Math Challenge --- "Magic Squares"

Here’s another great Math challenge for the kids. It’s called the “Magic Square“. By the way, if you have been bitten by the Sodoku bug, you may take a liking to this one too. So watch out…

The origin of magic squares goes back to at least 1000 BC in China. It's still common in China today and can be found on buildings and artistic designs.

The magic square is a math matrix with the same number of rows as columns. The object is to fill the magic square with numbers. The magic square is not actually "magic" but is called that because the sum of any row, column, or diagonal is the same.

It’s a good Math game because it gets your students comfortable with numbers and its pretty cool the way it works out. Neat thing is students of all ages, elementary through high school can take part. The larger the matrix the more diffficult.

Anyway enough of my ramblings, check it out here.

They're pretty cool when you get the hang of it. Have fun with them.
