Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Check Out Exciting Math Game

Here's a game that helps kids conquer math. It's a board game that makes math fun and engaging for kids while helping build math and science skills for 4th through 8th graders. It's called "TiViTz".

The inventor of the game has always had a love for math and began to look at methods to motivate children to learn and retain math principals. I think he's hit on something here.

It’s a math and strategy game with grades 4 though 8 in mind. Students at all levels of mathematical skill, from review of basic operations to pre-algebraic concepts. It gets more difficult as the student progresses. It's been described as being as easy as checkers to learn and as hard as chess to master. Pretty interesting huh?

Even poor or mediocre math students, seem to get a kick out of it, because it's a strategy game as well as a math game. So that's pretty cool. Alot of times kids that aren't exceptionally good at math can be better at out foxing their opponents. So it sort of motivates them to improve their math skills.

The game comes in three different themes: Baseball TiViTz, Space TiViTz and Aqua TiViTz.

They even have Space Tivitz tournaments are sponsored by school systems and educational organizations across the country, including NASA’s National Space Grant Foundation.

The two-player game sells for about $30. You can play for Free Online. Check it out here.

Let me know what you think.
