Math Help Tip Memorize Math Facts
It doesn't surprise me anymore when I see high school and even college students I teach counting on their fingers. What's going on here? Well I think it has a lot to do with the change in the way math was being taught back in the 1960's.
As a parent, helping your kids memorize their math facts is major. Guarantee they won't do as good a job on their own. And guess what? They're going to have to do most of it at home. And Mom and Dad, that's where you come in!This will pay off for your child big time for years to come. Here's a few good reasons why:
Every thing in math builds on something that came before it.
Think back to your when your child was learning to walk. She had to learn to crawl and to pull up to a standing position before she was able to walk.
Each milestone that a child acquires builds on the last milestone developed. Learning math works the same way. This means that a child will need to develop some skills before he or she can develop new skills.
Your child should master addition facts before they learn their multiplication table. After multiplication, that's right - you guessed it. Division.
Builds your child's confidence.
This is so important I don't think I can stress it enough. A lot of the reason people have a fear of math is not because they're not capable, but because they have the wrong thoughts in their head.
Good training for higher level math like algebra, geometry, etc.
Algebra requires a bit higher level thinking than arithmetic. But it also requires knowing terms, symbols, deinitions, etc.
More about math memorization techniques later.
More about math memorization techniques later.