Monday, September 11, 2006

SAT Registration Deadline Approaching

The next SAT Test date is October 4th, 2006.

The last day to register for this test date is September 12, 2006.

Taking the test early will give you a chance to retake it to improve your score.

Of course it would be great to if students did their best the first time around. But in reality, it doesn't always work that way. A lot of students plan to take it at least twice. That way, they sort of get a test run and then see what areas they could work on most to get a better score. Most Colleges will only look at the Highest score. So it's probably in a student's best interest to take the test more than once.

Even if you don't take the Octber 4th test, there are a few more test dates. But don't procrastinate. The earlier you take the SAT, the more opportunity to study and get a better score.

The College Board supervises the SAT tests. Here are some CollegeBoard samples to try.
For students who want to get an early jump, you can register online today at College Board.
