Will I Ever Use The Pythagorean Theorem on My Job?
Remember the Pythagorean Theorem from your high school Math? Don't worry if you don't. I'm not going to give a quiz today.
But if your child is taking algebra or geometry, they might be asking, "When am I ever going to use the Pythagorean Theorem in life."
I've got the answer. Aren't you glad?
There's actually dozens of jobs that use this math theorem from algebra class to help with their jobs.
Here's a comment from a construction manager:
"Hey, I'm a commercial subcontractor and I use math everyday fractions, figuring out volume, sq footage you name it my job is math all day eveything I do is math related, figuring out scale from the blue prints etc..... also electricial trades are very dependent on math as well, carpenters, etc."
Check out the other 40 math related jobs that use the Pythagorean Theorem.
Labels: Math Careers